We do our best to keep your payments the same all through the year, this means that your account balance will vary through out the year. In the summer your account will move into credit as you use less energy because it is warmer and brighter through the days. This credit you build up through the summer will be what is used to make up the difference between your monthly payments and your actual energy use through the colder, darker months.
This should even out across the year. In modern, energy saving homes, especially if you have solar panels and a battery, the difference between your energy usage in the summer and the winter can be even greater than in a traditional home, this might mean the credit you build up through the summer is bigger than you are used to in a traditional home. It is also important to remember that energy costs are expected to rise again in the autumn. We periodically review how much your are paying to ensure your payments reflect your energy usage, making sure there is no unexpected large credits or debit on your account. If we recommend a change in your payments we will always notify you of the change. If want to discuss your payments or request a refund, contact us vis chat, email or by phone.
I understand that, can I still get a refund?
Yes, it's your money. Contact us for more information, on email, via the chat or by telephone.